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    @Silas my reason for wanting to do that is that I do want to post and interact on as many things as possible. But my biggest following is on X. And also that's just where I interact most with other people. So I often end up just posting thoughts there because it's open anyways.

  • Replying to: @Silas

    And then when you update and randomly your audio doesn't work anymore. Which happens almost constantly for my specific setup. Idunno...

    I would like to be able to install things normally. Not having to download the deb file, translate it into an rpm, install that and then manually update an app.

  • Replying to: @Silas

    @Silas I like zypper. I really like zypper. That's what I am gonna miss if I do switch. But then not that much more. It's cool and nice but suse go out of their way to do things differently than others for seemingly no reason.

  • Replying to: @z428

    @z428 well. Annoyingly. Probably just standard Ubuntu. Because of the phrase "the power of defaults" or whatever it is.

    And Ubuntu is basically the default in the Linux world. Nothing ever has packages or guides for how to do something on opensuse.

  • Replying to: @v

    @v Yea that seems like a thing in the CS world. What country are you in though? Here in germany pretty much degree = being qualified. Either that or you worked somewhere for like 5 years already. This is the land of certifications.