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  • Replying to: @v

    @v Yea that seems like a thing in the CS world. What country are you in though? Here in germany pretty much degree = being qualified. Either that or you worked somewhere for like 5 years already. This is the land of certifications.

  • Replying to: @johnpeterharvey

    @johnpeterharvey well yea, i mean literally London invented the concept of a metro system so. I don't blame them for shutting down at night... or how you immediately become deaf on the jubilee I think. Probably multiple lines with the insane screeching.

  • @johnpeterharvey I was surprised how early the underground closes when i was in London last year.. still best city in the world though.

  • Replying to:

    @vincentritter i think it does though. Turning on the work focus and it gets rid of all apps that would distract you from working for example

  • Replying to: @vincent

    @vincent I guess one could make you sign every account you make and everything you post with like your government ID or something. Then you could block someone everywhere lol. But that's some fd up stuff if that was a thing.