YouTube is going alright i think. NICE. I did get to 100k views this year. really awesome. Thank you everyone.

I think I witnessed the most boomer thing: *connects bluetooth headphones"… “Why isn’t there sound coming from my phone anymore? "

I am not joking. #tech #technology

You don’t even know how funny this is to me. You have no idea.

A screenshot of a reddit post stating :&10;&10;Accidentally sucked off my brother at camp flog gnaw&10;CONCERT&10;Yeah, title explains it. Went to the festival a few weeks ago with a group and did various drugs. Eventually we separated and I went to the bathrooms outside the venue. Noticed a peculiar hole in one of the walls so I waited there for a while.&10;Eventually a phallus arrived and I thought it looked familiar never the less I started sucking on it. After it erupted a white waterfall in my mouth I tried looking through the hole to see who it was anddddd I made eye contact with my brother. We haven't spoken since.&10;Thoughts?

YES finally threads has a desktop website. cool. But why the heck does this use even less screen space than other modern websites? #tech #technology #threads

alright Crossposting to threads? is that in any way a possibility. I remember threads saying its like some activitypub thing…. i think

Not me having fought my mac for almost an hour, trying to connect it to my NAS. only because i wrote smb instead of SMB…. #tech #technology #macOS I wasn’t at all able to connect it to the NFS share, which i would have preferred.

So i guess macOS has a text size setting. But it doesn’t actually really change text size. why? #Apple #macOS #tech #technology

I want twitter to have a good api again. i want to crosspost shit there!

NEW VIDEO: But This time it is a gaming video. Just me playing minecraft with multiple scary mods enabled! #gaming #minecraft

I will never know how far I could have gotten in life already if i just limited what I was doing. Instead of trying to do 10 different big things in a week. Or having stuck with making one youtube channel and tape of videos instead of making more and more different ones.

I hate most wireless technologies.

I am losing my mind again. I love openSUSE. Very good Linux. But I just found something out.

Zypper: the most advanced package manager. also Zypper: gets confused when you add to many repositories and cant find everything it needs.

#linux #tech #technology

Instead of calling Twitter X, I am going to start calling it Wayland.

Now that’s a funny joke for exclusively really big brain people. But also dumb. #tech #technology #twitter

So I guess the one problem with crossposting is when you make a mistake, you need to correct it everywhere lol.

I read somewhere “what did Germany even invent? Without google” OK. Rockets, glue sticks, cars, programmable computers, aspirin, coffee filters and more but those are the things I know off of the head. #tech #technology

btw, my radio podcast was featured in a post that the podcast player Fountain did recently. Its only on Podcasting 2.0 compatible apps like Fountain.…

If you use Windows or macOS, you are a sucker. #tech #opensource

Honestly, I hope Siemens Energy doesn’t actually get money from the government. 110 billion € of orders and still expecting to not make a profit. Go ask business daddy Siemens for money then. Or lessons.

I am fairly cross with stupid gigantic companies getting bailed out when they screw up.

I think its a valuable skill to be able to see something from another point of view. A lot of people seem to lack this skill though.

All the straight people out there losing out. Their flag is really boring lol. Black and white stripes. 🏳️‍🌈 #lgbt