Today I woke up to my TrueNAS server having a really upset message about the boot pool being degraded but functional. Turns out keeping the side panels off is a dumb idea. Apparently I put the sidepanel next to the machine and just ripped out the Sata connector unknowingly. #tech #technology

interesting that last post did not work at all. lol. thats ok. just go to the site and look around lol. the rss link is at the bottom and the rest you can fidn yourself Heres a new thing to plug into your RSS readers. Alternatively you can also visit and bookmark Or what i also recommend is add yourself to the newsletter.

Yea ok, you want apps and shit floating around in space. Not constrained to the limits of a monitor. I assure you my ADHD wants this so hard too. But, do you really want a computer that always watches your hands???

Because the apple glasses have to, because no controller. #tech #technology

Can I just quickly say, Unix-like is such a boring and dumb term. In Germany we call it Unixoide. Which just sounds way cooler, admit it. #tech #technology #nix #unix #linux #bsd

Question. What if I started an email newsletter where I can write about things. One time a week max. Would you sign up? Also probably with an RSS feed of course.

I cannot be the only one who ever confused royal mail and post office. Also who thought calling an organisation “post office” was smart.

If you ever feel dumb. Remember that Fujitsu made accounting software for UK Post Office which was so buggy it lead to 700 wrongful convictions and even multiple suicides. Because they thought workers were stealing big money. Disgusting. #tech #technology

I finally finished watching sonic prime. Good series. Not super in depth but fun and nicely made for the most part. I actually really like all of the voice actors in it.

OK… I see.. I thought front usb 3 was a shitty connector that either falls out or gets stuck easily. But I did not expect it to literally rip off the socket from the motherboard. #tech #technology. I am so angry right now.

I come from the future to reveal to you: the best OS to ever exist. #tech #technology #bsd

An object that says Bsd 72 on it

Amiga Cat #technology #tech #amiga #retro

Black cat sitting in front of an amiga 500

Here is an actual question. Does anyone actually use to do apps? Whenever I try, i find using it is a long process to put your points in the app and i just end up with a text file or just a piece of paper. #tech #technology

fuck i forgot to cancel my tidal trial. i just wanted to check out the spacial audio stuff..

Interesting. Apparently a permanent red exclamation point, red flashing clean button and white flashing dock button means your shark robot is fucked and needs to be replaced. I don’t know what happened lol. Physically it looks fine. It already seemed like they have kind of crap software lol

OK. What is going on? #money

Regular front side of a 20 cent coin. 20 cent coin with a full colour painted version of the brandenburg gate.

Cool. Without telling me anything I am getting a package today from hyperactive. That’s the company representing Rode on Europe. I would really like it if they have fixed my rodecaster or they sent a new one. If so Hopefully it lasts longer than 2 months lol #tech #technology #audio

I have only now realised that… I got suspended on twitter. Then I put in an appeal where you have to write a reason for the appeal. Only for them to send you an email saying the ticket has been opened and I should respond to that email with my reasoning. Why

I want them to let me back on twitter please

I don’t know if that’s a shit idea but I maybe would like it if I could only use this for crossposting and a site plus a RSS feed. I don’t really care about the social media site of this. Mainly because of not supporting hashtags.